Appendix C. Migration scripts 265
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ax02.fm
4. Call WebSphere Commerce V5.6 database migration script migratedb.bat to
migrate the database
5. Call post.migration.bat to perform the final post tasks
The content of the migration.bat file:
Example: C-4 Content of the migration.bat file
@echo off
set database=%1
set user=%2
set passwd=%3
set logdir=%4
set instance=%5
echo Set environment
call config_env.bat
echo Call pre migration script
call pre.migration.bat %database% %user% %passwd% %logdir% %instance%
echo Call commerce migration script (use -precheck option until no errors are reported)
call %wc56installdir%\bin\migratedb -dbtype db2 -dbname %database% -dbuser %user% -dbpass
%passwd% -from 51 -instance %instance%
echo Call post migration script
call post.migration.bat %database% %user% %passwd% %logdir% %instance%
Database post migration batch script
The script post.migration.bat performs the final tasks on the database to finish
the migration. This script takes the following parameters:
1. Database name
2. DB user id
3. DB password
4. Log directory
5. Instance name
The script has the following behavior:
1. Connect to the database
2. Execute post.migration.sql file, refer to, “Database post migration SQL
script” on page 266 for more details