Chapter 5. Installing WebSphere Commerce Development Environment 81
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_DEV_installation.fm
If the response is a list of database agent connections, you must ensure that
each of the corresponding processes are ended before continuing.
3. Run the following command once you ensured that no databases are in:
4. Ensure that you have no DB2 applications running, including DB2 Command
5. Open the Services console and stop all DB2 services, that is all services
starting with the word DB2.
To install DB2 Universal Database V8.1, complete the following steps:
1. Run setup.exe from the root of the DB2 Universal Database V8.1 installation
2. When the Launchpad windows opens, click Install Products.
3. Click Next to start the installation wizard.
Several warning messages will appear. In our example, we saw the following
– An earlier version of DB2 Universal Database is already installed as
shown in Figure 5-1. We clicked Yes to continue.
Figure 5-1 Warning that an earlier version of DB2 Universal Database is installed
Tip: A typical installation of DB2 Universal Database V7.2.5 will include the
DB2 Warehouse components. These will be registered as Windows
services, to be started automatically. If the DB2 Warehouse services are
running, the list applications command will return lines reporting that
the database named DWCTRLDB is in use by the applications named
To eliminate these connections, stop the following services from the
Services console, or by using the command line net stop command:
Warehouse logger
Warehouse server