Appendix A. Managing WebSphere Commerce components 245
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ax04.fm
Follow the instructions in this section to modify the trace specification for a
running server.
1. Identify the SOAP port for your server by opening the SystemOut.log file,
residing in the directory <was_home>\logs\<servername>. Search for the
SOAP connector available at port. The line in the log file should look like
the following:
[<date> <time>] <threadId> JMXSoapAdapte A ADMC0013I: SOAP connector
available at port <portnumber>
Where <portnumber> is the SOAP port for your server. <date>, <time> and
<threadId> are variables, depending on the time your server was started.
In our example, we wanted to change the trace specification for the
WebSphere Commerce instance named demo, so we found the following line
in the file D:\WebSphere\AppServer\logs\WC_demo\SystemOut.log:
[6/1/04 19:08:01:190 EDT] 4df9f657 JMXSoapAdapte A ADMC0013I: SOAP
connector available at port 8881
Thus, the SOAP port number in our example is 8881.
2. Start the wsadmin tool against your server by issuing the following command
from the <was_home>\bin directory:
wsadmin -conntype SOAP -port <portnumber>
Where <portnumber> is the number identified in step 1. The wsadmin tool will
launch with the following messages. The last line is the wsadmin prompt:
WASX7209I: Connected to process "<servername>" on node <nodename> using
SOAP connector; The type of process is: <processtype>
WASX7029I: For help, enter: "$Help help"
In our example, we issued the following command:
wsadmin -conntype SOAP -port 8881
Resulting in the following messages:
Note: The commands shown in this section are very long and may span more
than one line. All commands should be entered on one single line in the
wsadmin tool.
Tip: The SOAP port for the server1 server is always 8880, which is the
default for the wsadmin tool. If you need to change the trace string for
server1 you will thus not need to specify any parameters to wsadmin when
launching it.