
Chapter 9. Installing WebSphere Commerce V5.6 169
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_install_56.fm
Port 80
AfpaCache on
AfpaLogFile "/logs/afpalog" V-ECLF
If you enable AFPA, ensure that the following line is not active:
Listen 80
9.3 Verifying the installation
To verify the installation we will perform the following two steps:
Verify installation log files
Create test instance
9.3.1 Verify installation log files
Verify the installation log files. The details is outlined in the following sections:
WebSphere Commerce installation logs
DB2 Universal Database installation logs
WebSphere Application Server installation logs
IBM HTTP Server installation logs
Refer to the steps for verifying a custom installation in WebSphere Commerce
V5.6 Installation Guide for Windows for details.
WebSphere Commerce installation logs
Examine the following log files to verify the base WebSphere Commerce
Where <wc_home> is the installation directory for WebSphere Commerce. If the
installation fails, these files may be placed in the directory pointed to by the tmp
Windows environment variable. The default value for this variable is the
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp
Where <username> is the name of the currently logged on Windows user.