Chapter 9. Installing WebSphere Commerce V5.6 179
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_install_56.fm
5. Remove the instance directory. The default instance directory is:
If this has been changed from the default value, the new location is shown in
the wcs_instances file as described in the previous step.
Removing WebSphere Commerce Payments instance
The following steps describe how to remove a WebSphere Commerce Payments
1. Ensure that the instance is not running. Refer to Appendix A., “Managing
WebSphere Commerce components” on page 239 for details about checking
instance status and stopping WebSphere Commerce Payments instances.
2. Remove the server from WebSphere Application Server. Run the following
command from the <wc_home>\bin directory:
rmPaymentsServer <instancename>
The rmPaymentsServer.bat script is shown in Example 9-1 and is also
provided as part of the additional material for this Redbook. Refer to
Appendix E, “Additional material” on page 273 for details.
Tip: The Configuration Manager will remove the instance from the instance
list, located in the file wcs_instances. Also, the file
<wc_home>\instances\<instancename>\xml\<instancename>.xml will be
renamed to <instancename>.xml.bak.
To accomplish the same result without opening the Configuration Manager,
simply edit the file
This file will contain a line like the following for each instance defined on the
Use a text editor to remove the line for the instance to be removed and
save the file. The <instancename>.xml file will be removed in the following
Important: The rmPaymentsServer.bat script must be executed from the
<wc_home>\bin directory. If executed from a different directory you will
encounter the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: