Complex S amples Sampling Wizard
The Sampling Wizard guides you through the steps for creating, modifying, or executing a
sampling plan file. Before using the wizard, you should have a well-defined target population, a
list of sampling units, and an appropriate sample design in mind.
Obtaining a Sample from a Full Sampling Frame
A state agency is charged with ensuring fair property taxes from county to county. Taxes are based
on the appraised value of the property, so the agency wants to survey a sample of properties
by county to be sure that each county’s records are equally up to date. However, resources for
obtaining current appraisals are limited, so it’s important that what is available is used wisely. The
agency decides to employ complex sampling methodology to select a sample of properties.
A listing of properties is collected in property_assess_cs.sav. For more information, see the
topic Sample Files in Appendix A in IBM SPSS Complex Samples 19. Use the Complex Samples
Sampling Wizard to select a sample.
Using the Wizard
E To run the Complex Samples Sampling Wizard, from the menus choose:
Analyze > Complex Samples > Sele c t a Sample...
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