Complex Samples General Linear Model
Figure 19-15
Estimated marginal means by levels of gender by shoppi ng styl e
This table displays the model-estimated marginal means, standard errors, and confidence intervals
of Amount spent at the factor combinations of Who shopping for and Use coupons.Thistable
is useful for exploring the interaction effect between these two factors that was found in the
tests of model effects.
In this example, the estimated marginal means revealed differences in spending between customers
at varying levels of Who shopping for and Use coupons. The tests of model effects confirmed this,
as well as the fact that there appears to be a Who shopping for*Use coupons interaction effect.
The model summary table revealed that the present model explains somewhat more than half of
the variation in the data and could likely be improved by adding more predictors.
Related Procedures
The Complex Samples General Linear Model procedure is a useful tool for modeling a scale
variable when the cases have been drawn according to a complex sampling scheme.
The Complex Samples Sampling Wizard is used to specify complex sampling design
specifications and obtain a sample. The sampling plan file created by the Sampling Wizard
contains a default analysis plan and can be specified in the Plan dialog box when you are
analyzing the sample obtained according to that plan.
The Complex Samples Analysis Preparation Wizard is used to specify analysis specifications
for an existing complex sample. The analysis plan file created by the Sampling Wizard can be
specified in the Plan dialog box when you are analyzing the sample corresponding to that plan.
The Complex Samples Logistic Regression procedure allows you to model a categorical
The Complex Samples Ordinal Regression procedure allows you to model an ordinal response.