Complex Samples Analysis
Preparation Wizard
The Analysis Preparation Wizard guides you through the steps for creating or modifying an
analysis plan for use with the various Complex Samples analysis procedures. It is most useful
when you do not have access to the sampling plan file used to draw the sample.
Using the Complex S amples Analysis Preparation Wizard to Ready
NHIS Public Data
The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is a large, population-based survey of the U.S.
civilian population. Interviews are carried out face-to-face in a nationally representative sample
of households. Demographic information and observations about health behavior and status
are obtained for members of each household.
A subset of the 2000 survey is collected in nhis2000_subset.sav. For more information, see
the topic Sample Files in Appendix A in IBM SPSS Complex Samples 19. Use the Complex
Samples Analysis Preparation Wizard to create an analysis plan for this data file so that it can be
processed by Complex Samplesanalysisprocedures.
Using the Wizard
E To prepare a sample using the Complex Samples Analysis Preparation Wizard, from the menus
Analyze > Complex Samples > Prepare for Analysis...
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