Appendix A
tv-survey.sav. This is a hypothetical data file that concerns a survey conducted by a TV studio
that is considering whether to extend the run of a successful program. 906 respondents were
asked whether they would watch the program under various conditions. Each row represents a
separate respondent; each column is a separate condition.
ulcer_recurrence.sav. This file contains partial information from a study designed to compare
the efficacy of two therapies for preventing the recurrence of ulcers. It provides a good
example of interval-censored data and has been presented and analyzed elsewhere (Collett,
ulcer_recurrence_recoded.sav. This file reorganizes the information in ulcer_recurrence.sav to
allow you model the event probability for each interval of the study rather than simply the
end-of-study event probability. It has been presented and analyzed elsewhere (Collett et
al., 2003).
verd1985.sav. This data file concerns a survey (Verdegaal, 1985). The responses of 15 subjects
to 8 variables were recorded. The variables of interest are divided into three sets. Set 1
includes age and marital,set2includespet and news,andset3includesmusic and live.
Pet is scaled as multiple nominal and age is scaled as ordinal; all of the other variables are
scaled as single nominal.
virus.sav. This is a hypothetical data file that concerns the efforts of an Internet service
provider (ISP) to determine the effects of a virus on its networks. They have tracked the
(approximate) percentage of infected e-mail traffic on its networks over time, from the
moment of discovery until the threat was contained.
wheeze_steubenville.sav. This is a subset from a longitudinal study of the health effects of
air pollution on children (Ware, Dockery, Spiro III, Speizer, and Ferris Jr., 1984). The data
contain repeated binary measures of the wheezing status for children f rom Steubenville, Ohio,
at ages 7, 8, 9 and 10 years, along with a fixed recording of whether or not the mother was
a smoker during the first year of the study.
workprog.sav. This is a hypothetical data file that concerns a government works program
that tries to place disadvantaged people into better jobs. A sample of potential program
participants were followed, some of whom were randomly selected for enrollment in the
program, while others were not. Each case represents a separate program participant.