Complex Samples General Linear Model
Covariances of parameter estimates. Displays an estimate of the covariance matrix for the
model coefficients.
Correlations of parameter estimates. Displays an estimate of the correlation matrix for the
model coefficients.
Design effect. The ratio of the variance of the estimate to the variance obtained by assuming
that the sample is a simple random sample. This is a measure of the effect of specifying a
complex design, where values further from 1 indicate greater effects.
Square root of design effect. This is a measure of the effect of specifying a complex design,
where values further from 1 indicate greater effects.
Model fit. Displays R
and root mean squared error statistics.
Population means of dependent variable and covariates. Displays summary information about the
dependent variable, covariates, and factors.
Sample desig n information. Displays summary information about the sample, including the
unweighted count and the population size.
Complex Samples Hypothesis Tests
Figure 9-4
Hypothesis Tests dialog box
Test Statistic. This group allows you to select the type of statistic used for testing hypotheses. You
can choose between F,adjustedF, chi-square, and adjusted chi-square.
Sampling Degrees of Freedom. This group gives you control over the sampling design degrees of
freedomusedtocomputep values for all test statistics. If based on the sampling design, the value
is the difference between the number of primary sampling units and the number of strata in the