Preparing a Complex Sample for Analysis
Analysis Preparation W izard: Size
Figure 3-4
Analysis Preparation Wizard, Size step
This step is used to specify inclusion probabilities or population sizes for the current stage. Sizes
can be fixed or can vary across s trata. For the purpose of specifying sizes, clusters specified in
us stages can be used to define strata. Note that this step is necessary only when Equal
WOR is chosen as the Estimation Method.
Units. You can specify exact population sizes or the probabilities with which units were sampled.
Value. A single value is applied to all strata. If Population Sizes is selected as the unit metric,
you should enter a non-negative integer. If
Inclusion Probabilities is selected, you should enter
between 0 and 1, inclusive.
al values for strata.
Allows you to enter size values on a per-stratum basis via the Define
Unequal Sizes dialog box.
Read values from variable. Allows you to select a numeric variable that contains size values
for strata.