10. To return to your previous location use the same steps outlined
Creating and Saving Contacts
Use the Location Information button to view information on almost any
symbol on the map screen. It also is a good way to create a saved con-
tact in the Address Book. Touch the map screen to bring up the cursor.
Use the cursor to select and highlight a symbol or location on the map
screen. Now press the Location Information button in the top right cor-
ner of the map screen. Select
ADD TO ADDRESSBOOK from the information
screen to save a contact at the selected location.
The cursor has been used to highlight a location on-screen, at left.
Once the Location Information button is pressed the POI Information
screen (right) will appear.
When you select ADD TO ADDRESSBOOK in the information screen, the Edit
Contact screen will appear. From this screen you can choose to
the location or add an on-screen symbol at that location by pressing
The Edit Contact screen (left) shows a saved contact. The Find By
Name screen (right) is the screen you will see when you press the Ad-
dress Book command in the Find 1 screen. Tulsa Boat Sales, right fig-
ure, is the only entry saved in the Address Book.