
No matter which Find category you choose, you will be able to search
for places nearest your current position or cursor – if the cursor is ac-
tive on-screen – or to search for specific locations by name. While the
Address feature allows you to enter a street address and navigate di-
rectly to it, the Address Book feature allows you to save and then
search through a list of address entries saved in the unit.
Almost any location can be saved in the Address Book as long as the
unit recognizes the location’s address. When you find an address you
want to save, choose
ADD TO ADDRESSBOOK in the POI Information or Lo-
cation Information screen and it will be stored in the Address Book.
Using the Virtual Keyboard
The search options in the various Find menus will require you to enter
certain kinds of data, such as a shop name, address, State or Province.
You will use a virtual keyboard to enter letters, numbers and symbols.
When prompted to enter keyboard information, the keyboard will ap-
pear. The header of each Find Address screen will display what type of
information to enter. Notice the button in the bottom right corner of the
Find Address keyboard,
NUM/SYM, which stands for Numbers/Symbols.
Use this button to toggle between the letters and numbers keyboard.
The "letters" keyboard is shown at left. The "numbers" keyboard is
shown at right.
Push DONE when the text field contains the information you want to
enter. When you do, the unit will sometimes provide a list with more
than one location that closely resembles the information you entered.
Scroll through the list of addresses provided by the unit and choose
your desired destination by highlighting and selecting it.
Auto Complete feature
The unit has an Auto Complete feature. Before you finish entering the
name of a state or province the unit may generate a list of possible
choices for you.