Play/Pause starts a song or play list. If no play list or song has been
selected, the unit will automatically generate a play list from all the
music on the hard drive. If a song is playing, pressing this button will
pause the song. Press the button to begin playing the song again.
Stop stops the song playing.
Previous skips to the previous song.
Next skips to the next song.
Audio Search/Browse Music Files
If you have trouble finding a particular song stored in the unit use the
Audio Search feature. To access the Audio Search feature press the
MUSIC button in the top right corner of the Music screen. Now press
NAME FILTER and a virtual keyboard will appear. Use the keyboard to en-
ter all or part of the song file name you are searching for. Now press
DONE. The Audio Search screen will provide a list of all music files
stored in the unit that match the text you entered in the Name Filter
box. Choose the music file you want and select
PLAY to begin playing the
song or select
BROWSE to open the Browse Music Files screen containing
all your music files. If you make a mistake while entering a song name
in the Name Filter box press the
CLEAR button to start over.
Press the Find Music button in the top right corner of the Music
screen to bring up the Audio Search screen, shown at left. The Audio
Search screen virtual keyboard is shown at right.
The Browse Music Files screen shows all songs and play lists stored on
the unit's hard drive. If you have sorted the music by album or artist
you can select a folder and play only the songs in that folder or you can
choose a specific song. You also can select
PLAY ALL in the Browse Music
Files screen to play all the music contained in that screen. The Browse
Music Files screen also has a keyboard to search for music files. Press
NAME FILTER to bring up the Browse Music Files keyboard. This keyboard
works exactly the same as the Audio Search keyboard.