The unit will ask you to enter a City or ZIP code, far left. Press
"Choose" and a keyboard (center) will appear. Once you have entered
the City or ZIP code another screen (right) will appear asking you to
enter an address.
When you have entered an address, the unit will sometimes provide a
list with more than one address that closely resembles the one you are
searching for. Scroll through the list of addresses provided by the unit
and choose your desired destination by highlighting and selecting it on-
When you have entered an address a dialog box (left) will appear stat-
ing, "Finding street address. Please wait." Once the unit has found the
address it will prompt you to choose one of three options: Add to Ad-
dressbook, Find on Map or Go To.
Once the unit has determined the exact address, a dialog box will ap-
pear with three choices: Add to Addressbook, Find on Map or Go To. If
you select
GO TO the unit will generate a route to your selected address.
ADD TO ADDRESSBOOK will place the address in the unit's Ad-
dress Book.
If you select
FIND ON MAP the unit will show the location on the map dis-
play. Any time you perform an on-screen search with the map cursor,
by default, the distances listed for search results will be calculated
from the cursor position and not your current position.
To see an alphabetical list of states, provinces or countries leave the
Country or State/Province selection box empty and press
DONE. Use the
slider to scroll through the list.