The Satellites screen.
Current Position Lock
The three buttons along the left side of the Satellites screen indicate
the quality of the units position lock. If 2D, 3D or WAAS is not high-
lighted the unit may not have a satellite lock.
2D lock does not include your altitude. The unit must receive reliable
signals from 3 satellites to establish a 2D lock.
3D means the unit has achieved a more reliable lock, including not only
your coordinate location but also your altitude (or elevation). The unit
must receive reliable signals from 4 satellites to establish a 3D lock.
WAAS means the GPS unit is receiving reliable correction signals from
the FAA's Wide Area Augmentation System. WAAS is designed for use
in aircraft, but occasionally terrestrial vehicles can attain a WAAS
lock. This is the most accurate position signal available.
EPE (Estimated Position Error)
The Estimated Position Error (EPE) represents the expected error from
a benchmark location. If the EPE shows 50 feet, then the position
shown by the unit is estimated to be within 50 feet of the actual loca-
tion. The smaller the position error number, the more accurate the sat-
ellites fix.
Satellite Display
The Satellite Display, located on the right side of the Satellites screen,
is a circle that serves as a graphical view of the satellites overhead.
Each satellite is shown on the circular chart relative to your position.
The GPS receiver is tracking satellites that are in light blue type. The
receiver hasn't locked onto a satellite if the number is in dark blue.
Lat/Lon Coordinates
The Satellites page shows your coordinates in latitude and longitude.
These numbers can be used to pinpoint your location on any map or to
create contacts at your position on another GPS unit.
Error (EPE)