The Find By menu with its three options: Name Entry, Near Current
Location and Near Cursor.
The three menus for the three Find By options.
To learn more about the specifics of "Searching, Finding and Navigat-
ing" refer to Section 5. Once you have found your desired destination
select it and add it to your route. You can add as many as 99 waypoints
to a route. If you want to rearrange the order of the waypoints in a
route list you can use the
UP and DOWN buttons in the Edit Route screen
to move a highlighted waypoint higher or lower in the list.
The other Edit Route screen buttons and their function:
Use the Direct To button in the Edit Route screen to
go directly to any "leg" in a route. Highlight a
specific leg from the route and press
the unit will begin navigating to that destination (or leg).
When you highlight a specific "leg" in a route, and
press the
VIEW VIA button in the Edit Route screen, it
will bring up the POI Information screen. The POI
Information screen provides information about that particular leg. In
the POI Information screen you can view the Directions List for that
leg, view that leg on the map screen by pressing the
FIND ON MAP button
or you can add that leg to your Address Book by pressing the