
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 7.0
Pocket Reference
Issue 1
April 1999
Release 3.0 Enhancements (August 1994)
Additional Features
The status of Leave Word Calling (LWC) and Privacy are
retained across cold starts.
Caller ID (CLASS
ICLID and PRI) are available on primary
coverage and return from transfer.
Additional Application Packages, Adjuncts, and
Adapter Enhancements
PassageWay Direct Connection Solution. PassageWay
Direct Connection Solution (Release 2.0) is a computer
telephony integrated product that links a desktop Microsoft
-based PC to the MERLIN LEGEND
Communication System’s MLX-10DP, MLX-20L, or MLX-28D
telephone. The Windows applications are: AT&T Call
(autodial/contact manager), AT&T Buzz (screen pops
applications), AT&T Set (extension programming interface),
and Log Viewer (call log application). PassageWay Direct
Connection Solution (Release 2.0) is the version supported
on MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 3.0.
PagePal™. PagePal connects several paging systems to the
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System. No other
system adapter is necessary for loudspeaker paging.
Fax Attendant 2.1.1. Fax Attendant Release 2.1.1, which
co-resides with AUDIX Voice Power on the IS III Release 1.2
platform, provides the same functionality as earlier versions,
plus the following enhancements:
Personal Fax Messaging. Inbound faxes can be stored
until the subscriber asks that they be printed, at any fax
machine he or she specifies, on company premises or
offsite (when the subscriber retrieves fax messages
Fax Mail. Allows subscribers to send fax messages, get
fax messages, record personal greetings, and program
Fax Broadcast. Provides a simple way to send one fax to
as many as 1000 fax numbers.
Call Accounting System (CAS) for Windows
This stand-alone version of CAS takes advantage of the easy-
to-use graphical environment offered by Microsoft Windows.
Through data communications, it also allows one CAS system
to serve multiple business sites.
Group Videoconferencing
Group videoconferencing is supported over DS1 (Digital Signal
Level 1) facilities with PRI. (Videoconferencing has been
available since Release 2.0.)