MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 7.0
Pocket Reference
Issue 1
April 1999
Ordering Codes
Capacity: 8 loop-start lines/trunks for 2-way analog voice/data
communications, 2 PFT telephones
Signaling: Loop-start
Capacity: 8 lines/trunks, 2 TTRs
Transmission: Incoming calls only; 2-way (1-pair) fixed impedance to DID
trunks; no outgoing calls
Signaling: Loop-reverse battery; wink-start or immediate-start; accepts touch-
tone dialing
Capacity: 8 ground-start and/or loop-start lines/trunks
Signaling: Loop-start or ground-start
Capacity: 8 ground-start and/or loop-start lines/trunks; 2 TTRs
Signaling: Loop-start or ground-start
Protocol: Requires calling name (R7.0 and later) and/or number identification
service from central office
Capacity: 8 BRI facilities, each with 2 B-channels (“virtual” lines) for voice and
data and 1 channel used for signaling
Speed: Up to 64 kbps
Signaling: ISDN Basic Rate 2B+D
Capacity: 7 internal, system-defined T/R jacks; 2 TTRs; internal remote
maintenance device; serial port for PC connection