MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 7.0
Pocket Reference
Issue 1
April 1999
Ordering Codes
50 Seats 7052-750U
106242 407914464
100 Seats 7052-752U
106243 407914472
250 Seats 7052-755U
106244 407914480
Inactive MERLIN Mail Voice Messaging
MERLIN Mail Voice Messaging System
for the MERLIN LEGEND Communications
System (Release 3)
MERLIN Mail unit 407241926
modem 407002427
MERLIN Mail unit 407536739
modem 407002427
MERLIN Mail unit 407241942
modem 407002427
Release 3 Upgrade
2-port to 4-port 407241934
modem 407002427
2-port to 6-port 407241942
modem 407002427
4-port to 6-port 407241942
modem 407002427
2-port line card (R2)
(upgrade from 2 to 4 for
MERLIN Mail releases prior
to V7.4) 407108521
2-port line card
(upgrade from 2 to 4 for
MERLIN Mail releases V7.4
or later) 407072115
MERLIN Identifier (for MERLIN
MERLIN Mail Voice Messaging System
for the MERLIN LEGEND Communications
System (Release 2)
MERLIN Mail unit 407161355
Remote maintenance device 407002427
MERLIN Mail Multi-Lingual
Admin. Guide (585-320-742) 107074932
User’s Quick Reference
(585-320-741) 107074924
MERLIN Mail unit 407161363
Remote maintenance device 407002427
MERLIN Mail Multi-Lingual
Admin. Guide (585-320-742) 107074932
User’s Quick Reference
(585-320-741) 107074924
Intuity Voice System
4-port 7055-004
6-port 7055-006
8-port 7055-008
10-port 7055-010
12-port 7055-012
Administration 6128-KBD 406891556
Controller Assembly with PC
Administration 6128-PCA 406891564
Ordering Codes (Continued)
Component PEC/SAP Comcode App. Code