MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 7.0
Pocket Reference
Issue 1
April 1999
Constraining Factors
Primary and secondary delay announcements per system.
Release 5.0 and later systems, up to 10 primary and one secondary
announcement device can be designated for each calling group.
Each announcement device decreases the 200 tip/ring station
The first slot of the basic carrier is used for the processor module,
with a maximum of 5 port/board slots.
Coverage Groups
Senders per group
. QCCs cannot be senders because they do not
have coverage available and use Position-Busy instead.
CTI Link
One CTI link is supported in Hybrid/PBX mode only.
Fax Machines with Message Waiting
The system can support more than 16 fax machines, but those in
excess of 16 cannot use fax message waiting indication.
Ports (not simultaneously)
Voice Messaging Interface
. Although the system software supports
up to 24 VMI ports, all VMI ports must be in the same calling group,
and the maximum number of extensions in a calling group is 20.
Service Observing Groups
A Service Observer station must be an MLX telephone (except QCC
or CTI link). A Service Observing group member station can be any
telephone except QCC or CTI link. The maximum number of
members per Service Observing group is equal to the maximum
number of extensions in the system.
Service Observing may be subject to federal, state, or local
laws, rules, or regulations or require the consent of one or
both of the call parties. You must check in your jurisdiction and
comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations before
using this feature. Failure to comply may result in severe
Speed Dial
Personal Speed Dial
. Single-line and 5- or 10-button telephones.
System Operator Consoles
. Two consoles are allowed for each 408 MLX, 008 MLX, or
analog multiline module, and four consoles are allowed for each 016
MLX module (Release 7.0 and later). A maximum of eight DLC
consoles are allowed per system. Up to two DSSs can be attached
to an MLX operator console, and one is built into the MERLIN II
System Display Console.
. Two consoles are allowed for each 408 MLX or 008 MLX
module, and four consoles are allowed for each 016 MLX module
(Release 7.0 and later). A maximum of four QCC consoles are
allowed per system.