MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 7.0
Pocket Reference
Issue 1
April 1999
Ordering Codes
Control Unit Modules
Module Trunk Type Extension Type
Processor N/A N/A
Power supply N/A N/A
008 (ATL) N/A Analog multiline telephones
008 MLX
1 For newer vintages of this module, firmware can be upgraded by using a
PCMCIA card.
N/A MLX extensions, including:
■ MLX voice only
■ MLX voice with Voice Announce
to Busy
■ MLX voice and Multi-Function
Module (MFM) with T/R adjunct
■ MLX voice and MFM with
Supplemental Station Adapter
■ ISDN terminal adapter only
■ Access device for data
communications between a PC
on the system and a high-speed
Internet connection, connection
to remote node LAN access
server, or ISDN router
■ Computer Telephony Integration
(CTI) link
■ Videoconferencing systems
using one jack and 2B data
feature or 2 jacks with ISDN
terminal adapters (depending on
video system)
2 For Release 4.0 and later systems only.
3 For Release 5.0 and later systems only.
008 OPT
4 System software recognizes the OPT module as an 012 (T/R) module. Even
though the OPT module has only 8 jacks, it uses 12 ports of capacity,
thereby decreasing overall extension capacity by 4 extensions for every
OPT module.
N/A On-premises or off-premises
single-line telephones