
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 7.0
Pocket Reference
Issue 1
April 1999
Ordering Codes
MERLIN Wiring Kit 3103-MER 106393671
110A1 trough (5) 104407960
modular block (2) 104409960
110AB1-100 FT punch
down block (1) 103823845
D-Rings (6) 842139248
Patch cords 12 cords,
4-pair, 5’ (1.5 m) 846619989
D8W cords
24 cords, 14’ (4.3 m) 103786802
Template 846613933
Instruction sheet 846613941
Parts List 846623924
CAT 3 Standard 4-Pair Wire 2782-004
CAT 3 Additional 4-Pair Run 2783-MU3
CAT 5 Standard 4-Pair Wire 2782-CT5
CAT 5 Additional 4-Pair Run 2782-MU5
1 Customer Reference CD-ROM contains the
Feature Reference
, the
System Manager’s Guide
, and the
Network Reference
. To
order paper documents, use PEC 61512/A comcode 108370255.
2 For systems that have a CKE4 processor.
3 For R5/R6.0/R6.1 customers that have a multi-year maintenance contract.
4 Default.
5 Customer must sign an addendum, if sold.
6 Consult Lucent Technologies for other area-specific information.
7 Includes the following documentation: the
System Manager’s Manual
, the
Implementation and Service Manual
, the
Quick Reference Guide
, Wallet Cards,
Worksheets, and
Implementation and Service Release Notes
8 Wallboard also referred to as “Readerboard.”
9 Any multiline off-premises telephone must have an appropriate IROB protector
both at the control unit location and at the off-premises location.
10 10 sheets per package.
11 Includes both top and bottom cards or covers.
12 8 cards per kit (four sets).
13 4 per package.
Ordering Codes (Continued)
Component PEC/SAP Comcode App. Code