Appendix - 70
(b) Servo parameter change request
Change request of servo parameter ("[Cd.130] Parameter write request"
to "[Cd.132] Change data") can be executed. However, the servo
parameter of VCII series is controlled in a unit of 2 words, so that it is
necessary to set "2: 2 words write request" in "[Cd.130] Parameter write
request" for executing the parameter write. If 1 word write is executed to
VCII series, the parameter write is failure, and "3" is stored in "[Cd.130]
Parameter write request".
When the servo parameter of VCII series is changed by the servo
parameter change request, the parameter value after changing the servo
parameter cannot be confirmed using VCII data editing software. Also,
when the power of VCII series is turned OFF, the parameter changed by
the servo parameter change request becomes invalid, and the value
written by VCII data editing software becomes valid.
(5) Optional data monitor
The following table shows data types that can be set.
Data type Unit
Effective load ratio [%]
Regenerative load ratio [%]
Peak load factor [%]
Model loop gain [rad/s]
Encoder multiple revolution counter [rev]
Position feedback (Used point: 2 words) [PLS]
Encoder single revolution position (Used point: 2 words) [PLS]
(6) Gain changing command, PI-PID switching request, Semi/Fully closed loop
switching request
Gain changing command and PI-PID switching request are available.
Semi/fully closed loop switching request becomes invalid.
(7) Driver communication
The driver communication is not supported. If the driver communication is
set in a servo parameter, the error "Driver communication setting error"
(error code: 975) will occur when the power is turned ON, and any servo
amplifiers including VCII series cannot be connected.