5 - 31
Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
[Pr.11] Backlash compensation amount
The error that occurs due to backlash when moving the machine via gears can be
(When the backlash compensation amount is set, commands equivalent to the
compensation amount will be output each time the direction changes during
(moving body)
Worm gear
(compensation amount)
OPR direction
1) The backlash compensation is valid after machine OPR. Thus, if the backlash
compensation amount is set or changed, always carry out machine OPR once.
2) "[Pr.2]
Number of pulses per rotation", "[Pr.3]
Movement amount per rotation",
"[Pr.4] Unit magnification" and "[Pr.11]
Backlash compensation amount" which
satisfies the following (1) can be set up.
• Product information is before 141220000000000.
Backlash compensation amount) ([Pr.2] Number of pulses per rotation)
( = A)
65535 (PLS) ….(1)
([Pr.3] Movement amount per rotation)
([Pr.4] Unit magnification)
(round down after decimal point)
• Product information is 141220000000000 or later.
Backlash compensation amount)
([Pr.2] Number of pulses per rotation)
( = A)
4194303 (PLS) ….(1)
Movement amount per rotation)
([Pr.4] Unit magnification)
(round down after decimal point)
The error "Backlash compensation amount error" (error code: 920) occurs
when the setting is outside the range of the calculation result of (1).
A servo alarm (error code: 2031, 2035, etc.) may occur by kinds of servo
amplifier (servomotor), load inertia moment and the amount of command of a
cycle time (Simple Motion module) even if the setting is within the calculation
result of (1).
Reduce the setting value of "[Pr.11]
Backlash compensation amount" or
increase the operation cycle by "[Pr.96] Operation cycle setting" if a servo
alarm occurs. Use the value of the following (2) as a measure that a servo
alarm does not occur.
(Maximum motor speed (r/min) )
1.2 (Encoder resolution (PLS/r) ) (Operation cycle (ms))
(PLS) ....(2)
1000 (ms)