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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
Storage item Storage details
[Md.32] Target value
This area stores the target value ([Da.6] Positioning address/movement amount)
for a positioning operation.
At the beginning of positioning control and current value changing:
Stores the value of "[Da.6] Positioning address/movement amount".
At the OP shift operation of OPR control : Stores the value of OP shift amount.
At other times : Stores "0".
Refresh cycle: Immediate
[Md.33] Target speed
During operation with positioning data : The actual target speed, considering
the override and speed limit value,
etc., is stored. "0" is stored when
positioning is completed.
During interpolation of position control : The composite speed or reference
axis speed is stored in the reference
axis address, and "0" is stored in the
interpolation axis address.
During interpolation of speed control : The target speeds of each axis are
stored in the monitor of the reference
axis and interpolation axis.
During JOG operation : The actual target speed, considering
the JOG speed limit value for the
JOG speed, is stored.
During manual pulse generator operation : "0" is stored.
Refresh cycle: Immediate
The target speed is when an override is made to the command speed.
When the speed limit value is overridden, the target speed is restricted to the
speed limit value. The target speed changes every time data is switched, but
does not change in an acceleration/deceleration state inside each piece of data
(changes with the speed change because the target speed changes.)
[Md.34] Movement amount after
near-point dog ON
"0" is stored when machine OPR starts.
After machine OPR starts, the movement amount from the near-point dog ON to
the machine OPR completion is stored.
(Movement amount: Movement amount to machine OPR completion using near-
point dog ON as "0".)
Refresh cycle: Immediate