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Chapter 15 Dedicated Instructions
Chapter 15 Dedicated Instructions
The dedicated instructions of Simple Motion module are explained in this chapter.
These instructions are used to facilitate the programming for the use of the functions
of the intelligent function module.
Using the dedicated instructions, the programming can be carried out without being
aware of the buffer memory address of Simple Motion module and interlock signal.
15.1 List of dedicated instructions .................................................................................. 15- 2
15.2 Interlock during dedicated instruction is executed ................................................. 15- 2
15.3 ZP.PSTRT1, ZP.PSTRT2, ZP.PSTRT3, ZP.PSTRT4 .......................................... 15- 3
15.4 ZP.TEACH1, ZP.TEACH2, ZP.TEACH3, ZP.TEACH4 ......................................... 15- 7
15.5 ZP.PFWRT .............................................................................................................. 15- 11
15.6 ZP.PINIT ................................................................................................................. 15- 15