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Chapter 12 Expansion Control
12.1.4 Operation of speed-torque control
[1] Switching of control mode (Speed control/Torque control)
Switching method of control mode
To switch the control mode to the speed control or the torque control, set "1" in
"[Cd.138] Control mode switching request" after setting the control mode in
"[Cd.139] Control mode setting".
When the mode is switched to the speed control mode or the torque control mode,
the control data used in each control mode must be set before setting "1" in
"[Cd.138] Control mode switching request".
When the switching condition is satisfied at control mode switching request, "30:
Control mode switch" is set in "[Md.26] Axis operation status", and the BUSY
signal turns ON. "0" is automatically stored in "[Cd.138] Control mode switching
request" by Simple Motion module after completion of switching.
A warning "Control mode switching during BUSY" (warning code: 120) or "Control
mode switching during zero speed OFF" (warning code: 121) occurs if the
switching condition is not satisfied, and the control mode is not switched.
The following shows the switching condition of each control mode.
Position control mode
Speed control mode Torque control mode
Switching operation Switching condition
1) Position control mode Speed control mode
Not during positioning
and during motor
, (Note-3)
2) Speed control mode Position control mode
During motor stop
, (Note-3)
3) Position control mode Torque control mode
Not during positioning
and during motor
(Note-2), (Note-3)
4) Torque control mode Position control mode
During motor stop
(Note-2), (Note-3)
5) Speed control mode Torque control mode
6) Torque control mode Speed control mode
(Note-1): BUSY signal is OFF.
(Note-2): ZERO speed (Low-order buffer memory address: b3 of "[Md.108] Servo status") is ON.
Buffer memory address (Low-order)
QD77MS2/QD77MS4 QD77MS16
[Md.108] Servo status: b3 876+100n 2476+100n
n: Axis No.-1
(Note-3): The control mode can be changed without checking the switching condition of "during motor
stop" in Simple Motion module by setting "1: Zero speed ON condition invalid (for switching
control mode)" in "Condition selection at mode switching (b12 to b15)" of "[Pr.90] Operation
setting for speed-torque control mode". Set "1: Zero speed ON condition invalid (for switching
control mode)" only when switching the control mode without waiting for the servomotor to stop.