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Chapter 12 Expansion Control
Speed during continuous operation to torque control mode
The speed during the continuous operation to torque control mode is controlled
with an absolute value of the value set in "[Cd.147] Speed limit value at continuous
operation to torque control mode" as command speed. When the speed reaches
the absolute value of "[Cd.147] Speed limit value at continuous operation to torque
control mode", "Speed limit" ("[Md.108] Servo status" (low-order buffer memory
address): b4) turns ON.
Buffer memory address (Low-order)
QD77MS2/QD77MS4 QD77MS16
[Md.108] Servo status: b4
876+100n 2476+100n
n: Axis No.-1
In addition, "[Cd.147] Speed limit value at continuous operation to torque control
mode" is limited with "[Pr.8] Speed limit value". If the command speed exceeding
the speed limit value is set, a warning "Speed limit value over" (warning code: 501)
occurs, and the operation is controlled with the speed limit value.
The actual motor speed may not reach the command speed depending on the
machine load situation during the continuous operation to torque control mode.
Current feed value during continuous operation to torque control mode
"[Md.20] Current feed value", "[Md.21] Machine feed value" and "[Md.101] Real
current value" are updated even in the continuous operation to torque control
mode. If the current feed value exceeds the software stroke limit, the error
"Software stroke limit +" (error code: 507) or "Software stroke limit -" (error code:
508) occurs, and the operation switches to the position control mode. Invalidate
the software stroke limit to execute one-way feed.