4.2 Function Chart
4.2.1 Operation Monitor
Off-Line Analizing -------------------- [Refer to 4.3.1]
Monitors and prints about unit data saved in On-Line “3.7 Operation Monitor”.
Graph --------------------- [Refer to 4.3.2]
The operation data obtained can be graphed for display.
Check Mail ------------------------------ [Refer to 4.3.3]
Extracts the operation monitoring data being mail-transferred by the remote monitor mode from the mail
4.2.2 System Information Monitor
Off-Line Analyzing ------------------- [Refer to 4.4.1]
Monitors and prints about unit data saved in On-Line “3.4 Main Screen”.
4.2.3 Monitoring of Pre-error Data
Off-Line Analizing -------------------- [Refer to 4.5.1]
Monitors and prints about unit data saved in On-Line “3.9.4 Monitoring of Pre-error data”.
4.2.4 Function common for each screen (Filing operation)
Delete Data ------------------------------ [Refer to 4.6.1]
The offline data selected can be deleted.
Export ------------------------------------ [Refer to 4.6.2]
Allows to output the off-line data selected on the screen as a separate file from the database.
Import ------------------------------------ [Refer to 4.6.3]
Allows to take the off-line data being output as a file by Export into the database.
Text Convert ---------------------------- [Refer to 4.6.4]
Allows to output the off-line data being displayed on the screen as a file in Text format from the database.
The system information data can not be converted. The Pre-error data can be converted in text on
Offline Analysis Screen.
- Changing the name of monitor data
You may change the monitor data name on the screen of the data list.
- Right-clicking menu
Clicking the right button of the mouse on the [Monitor data] desired to be operated displays
the pop-up menu. Using the pop-up menu facilitates your operation.
- The offline mode includes 2 types, the [normal mode] and [wide area access mode].
Although the functions of both modes are almost same, however, under the [wide area access mode],
the following functions are provided additionally.
1) Display of monitored name objective for data collection
The [AREA name], [Customer] and [Air conditioning system name] are shown for each data obtained.
2) Display of extracted data
By selecting [AREA name] and [Customer name], the relevant data only can be displayed.
NOTE: Both the data obtained by online under normal mode and that under wide area access mode can
be displayed commonly under both offline modes.