87 Out-of-limit alarm history
The history of out-of-limit alarm/alarm-off is displayed. Up to 100 of the latest data can be displayed.
(1) Click [Option] in the AI controller (63MC) measurement
value monitoring screen, and
select [Out-of-limit alarm history] in the sub-menu.
(2) The out-of-limit alarm history is monitored, and
Out-of-limit alarm historyscreen will appear.
The date and time when the alarm is
activated/deactivated is shown.
[Interlock signal contact output]
The output status of interlock signal contact is
[Alarm status]
The alarm status (out-of-limit alarm ON or OFF)
is shown.
[Measurement value]
The measurement value when an alarm is
detection/cancellation is shown.
(3) Select the channel [Ch1] or [Ch2] to be monitored using the pulldown.
(4) Click [History clear] to clear the history of out-of-limit alarm/alarm-off.
1)Click [History clear].
2)The message ”Do you want to clear the history?”
will appear, and click [Yes] .
3) The message ”The history was cleared.”
will appear., and click [OK].
(5) Click [File output] to save the monitored information as a CSV file.
Refer to section [ Monitoring input/output status on DIDO Controllers (66DC) (5)].
The folder name is
[See section 5.7.]
(6) Click [Close] to return to the AI controller (63MC) measurement value monitoring screen.