3.12.3 Selecting remote error notification mode
Specify the settings below to enable the remote error notification function on the MN Converter.
(1) Enter the site name.
Enter the name of the air conditioning system to be
The remote monitoring PC is notified of this site name.
To enable the remote monitoring PC to monitor
multiple air conditioning systems at the same time,
you should assign a unique site name to each system.
Site names can consist of up to 20 uppercase letters (A to Z), numbers (0 to 9) and some symbols,
but may not contain the following symbols:
“ + “ or ” ; “
(2) Enter the notification contact telephone number.
Take care to enter the contact telephone number
E.g.) For 012-345-6789
Enter the number as 0123456789.
The number cannot include hyphens (-).
Numbers can consist of up to 20 digits (0 to 9). However, when the Inactivity Timeout function is used,
numbers may be no longer than 14 digits.
(3) Select the tone type for the telephone.
Select one of the following telephone tone types:
PB -- Tone (push-button line)
Sends ATDT plus the telephone number
to the modem.
DP -- Pulse (dial line)
Sends ATDP plus the telephone number
to the modem.
None -- Sends ATD plus the telephone number to the modem.
Else -- Nothing is added to before the telephone number.
Check your telephone line to determined which tone type is used.
Take care to enter the telephone number correctly. If the number contains an error, notification may be
sent to an unrelated number and cause problems.
Note that Mitsubishi Electric accepts no liability whatsoever for any problems resulting from incorrect
telephone number input.
When select the telephone tone type to “ELSE”, you can enter AT command in this field.