
3.12.10 MN Converter LED display
The MN Converter (CMS-MNG-E) has a STATUS LED (yellow) that displays the converter status.
The STATUS LED blinking patterns are shown below.
[Maintenance mode]
Lit: Ready for operation. (normal)
Unlit: Not ready for operation. (error)
[Remote error notification mode]
Lit: Ready for operation. (normal)
Unlit: Not ready for operation. (error)
Blink: When the remote error notification activates, the LED light blinks according to the following
blink patterns:
··Lit (Unit: second)
1---------- Modem error
Unable to communicate with the modem. The MN Converter is not connected to the modem
or the modem is not turned on. Check the connection to the modem and that the modem is
turned on.
2---------- Remote error notification failed
A failed notification result is saved in the Report log stored on the MN Converter. [See
section 3.12.5.]
If the LED is displaying this pattern, check the Report log in the Maintenance Tools and
eliminate the cause of the failure.
When the Report log is displayed, the software recognizes that the log has been "checked
by a person" and resets the display pattern.
When it reaches the limit of 50 items stored in the Report log, and the oldest entries that
exceed the 50 limits are deleted. The display is reset when there are no failure results in the
Report log.
3---------- Redialing
The LED blinks in this pattern while the MN Converter is redialing after there is no answer
from a notification contact telephone.
4---------- Air-conditioner error
The LED blinks in this pattern when an error requiring notification has occurred in one of the
units being monitored for errors and the MN Converter is storing the error data. If an error
occurs in a unit that is not being monitored for errors, or if the error code is masked or does
not require notification, the LED does not blink. This display is reset when error notification is
carried out.
Pattern Explanation Priority* Blinking pattern Operation status
1 Slow blink
Modem error
2 Long blink
Remote error notification failed
3 Double blink
4 Blinking
Air-conditioner error
MN Converter
0.5 2.0 0.5
2.0 0.5 2.0
(*When all of the operation statuses occur at a time, the status with the highest priority is displayed.)