3.12.5 Report log
A log of past error notifications is saved in the MN Converter.
You can use the Maintenance Tool to view and check the Report log stored on the MN Converter.
The log shows the reported error codes, the address of the unit on which the error occurred and the report
result (OK/NG). Viewing the Report log
(1) Click [Option] in the main menu bar and then
select [Error notification mode] ->
[Report log display] in the sub-menu.
The Report log screen appears.
Report log entries are displayed in chronological
order with the most recent entry at the top.
(2) Click [Close] to exit the Report log screen.
If the notification log stored on the MN Converter includes entries where the report result is "NG", the
STATUS LED (yellow) on the front of the MN Converter repeatedly lights for 2 seconds and turns off
for 0.5 seconds to show that notification failed.
To reset the flashing LED, display the Report log using the Maintenance Tool.
(See section 3.12.10 for more information on the STATUS LED display.)
If a failed notification is logged, check the error code (P.63 (5)) for the log entry and ensure that future
notification is carried out correctly.
A maximum of 50 notification log entries are stored on the MN Converter.
Once the limit of 50 entries is exceeded, the oldest entries in the log are deleted sequentially.