3.13.3 Monitoring PI Controllers (60MC)
PI Controller (PAC-YG60MCA) counts pulses from a power meter, gas meter, water meter, and calorimeter.
The combined use of the G(B)-50A and TG-2000A allows for calculating the charges for each unit and
performing peak-cut operation (demand control).
The function allotment of PI Controller, G(B)-50A Web Browser,TG-2000A and Maintenance Tools is as
[Note] S:Setting possibility, M:Monitoring only, -:None
Function name PI Controller G(B)-50A
TG-2000A Maintenance Tools
Address setting S*1 - - M
Use of input contact setting S*1 - - M
Pulse weight value setting S*1 S*2 S*2 M
Charge time zone setting
- - S M
Time setting - S S M
The following monitors of PI Controllers (PAC-YG60MCA) can be done.
*Current measurement value
*Measurement data history (cumulative value) (for the last 7 days)
*Measurement data history (settlement date) (up to 3 data of the last 3 settlement days in each
*Power failure/restoration history
*Pulse unit (weight) change history
*Current time
*Pulse unit (weight) setting
*Measurement unit setting
*Measurement data recording intervals
*Charge time zone setting
*Thermal storage device connection setting
*Settlement day setting
*Dip switch setting
The setting must be made on G(B)-50A Web Browser or TG-2000A.
*1 It is set with Dip switch of PI Controller.
*2 When the Dip switch setting of PI Controller is only "SC setting", it is possible to set it.
Watt-hour meter with
pulse transmitter, etc.
Up to 4 contacts
Outdoor unit
Indoor units
PI controller
24 VDC
Power supply
G(B)-50A Web