what video format to use, video lock reference, etc. Each section of the Engineering
menu selection will now be described in detail.
Engineering - Video - General
Reprogram Flash
At the top of the dialogue box, there is a button called 'Reprogram Flash'. The main video
processing on OmniTek products is done using a large FPGA. The firmware for this
FPGA may be changed by downloading a new design to the onboard Flash memory. It
this way it is possible to improve the video processing remotely. When a new software
update is installed, the software should automatically detect the presence of new
firmware, and reprogram the flash. This button lets you do the process manually. Note
that it is necessary to close all OmniTek applications before reprogramming the flash, so
any grabbed images and sequences should be saved first.
Once you have pressed this button, you are prompted for the location of the binary file
that will be used to program the flash. Each software release includes several different
binary files, and these will always be stored in c:\program files\omnitek\omnitek. For the
dual link product, chose alphaflash_duallink_view.bin. For the regular single link product,
and for OmniLab, chose alphaflash_sd_hd.bin. Once the file is loaded, the flash will be
reprogrammed. This operation takes a little over thirty seconds to complete.
Import Line Patterns (OmniGen/OmniLab only)
Next to the Reprogram Flash button, there is a button called 'Import Line Patterns'.
OmniGen is shipped with a library of 64 standard line pattern segments from which you
can build up your own patterns. However it may be that you would prefer to replace
some or all of these line pattern segments with your own, custom segments. This can be
easily achieved, but the information required to let you create custom patterns is quite
involved. Full details are included in the OmniGen User Manual.
Set Video Standard
The current video standard is shown in the box. Clicking the drop down arrow, and
selecting from one of the available choices can change it. Having selected a standard,
click Apply Standard to make it active.