Analyzer Menu
The Analyzer menu is shown above. A variety of functions for the main OmniView
analyzer module are available here. Functions used most commonly are available from
icons on the main toolbar, whilst features that are rarely used can only be controlled from
this menu. Each menu item is described in turn.
Input to Analyzer
Controls whether the main OmniView module looks at the serial input, or at the Generator
(only if OmniGen or motion/capture option is present). This control can also be changed
from the ‘Source’ toolbar.
Colour Mode
Controls whether the waveforms are displayed as YUV or RGB data. For each mode, the
data can be viewed in parade format, or as individual components. This control can also
be changed from the main toolbar. If using RGB waveforms, these can be changed to
GBR waveforms using the options menu on the waveform window.
Line Mode
This controls whether the waveforms and vectorscope are displayed as a single line, all
lines, or in frame mode. This control can also be changed from the main toolbar. To
view groups of lines, use the Cage generator as a mask for the lines you aren’t interested
This enables the interpolator that controls how the hardware samples and displays the
incoming data. Occasionally a clearer result can be obtained by turning the interpolator
off, but usually it would be left on.
This controls the persistence applied to data in the waveforms and vectorscope. As well
as variable delay rates, an infinite mode is available. To clear the screen after using this
setting, it is necessary to change to one of the delay modes.
Pulse/Cross (HV Delay)
This delays the video such that the blanking is in the centre of the image. This affects the
display in the mini-pic, and the waveforms. In this mode, it is possible to select a point in
the blanking area for analysis. This mode is particularly useful in conjunction with the
TRS Pass, which makes ancillary data such as audio packets, visible on the video image.