From the Preferences choice, you can enable automatic resizing of windows when
changing standards. This can be useful if you are using the waveform windows at the
default size for a given standard, as not all standards use the same aspect ratio.
When the OmniTek application is started, it automatically loads the configuration that was
active when it was last closed. The second Preference choice here lets the system
prompt you for choice of configuration instead. This can be useful if different people use
the system, and have different requirements.
It should be noted that a System configuration contains 100% of your setup data. It
includes which windows and toolbars are open, and their sizes and positions, what video
format, what locking reference, what options have been set for the optional error logging
package etc. In short, it contains everything.
Separately it is possible to load and save windows layouts. These layouts only save the
size and position, and status of the windows, so engineering settings like video format
are unchanged.
Window snapshots let you save the current contents of a window to a file in an
appropriate format. If all snapshots are saved, then the contents of every open window
is saved. Waveform and vectorscope windows are saved as bitmap images, and the
dataview window is saved as a text file. It is also possible to save individual windows,
using a menu selection on each window, which is detailed in the Window menus section,
starting on page 33.
View Menu
The main desktop application has four work surfaces available. You can just use one.
However, if preferred, you can split the various windows amongst the four work surfaces,
which may help to keep an uncluttered screen. The View menu gives access to the four
different pages, although you can also use the four buttons available on the bottom right
hand side of the status bar (see page 36 for details on status bar). For each of these four
work surfaces, you can define which toolbars are present, and which windows are open.
This is easily done by selecting a given work surface, and once in that surface,
open/close the windows and toolbars as required. This will not affect what toolbars and
windows are open in other windows. Note that the four buttons on the status bar are only
correctly available if your screen resolution is set to a minimum of 1280 * 1024. For
smaller resolutions, some of the buttons will be off the edge of the display. We always
recommend using 1280 * 1024 or larger displays.
The View menu also lets you individually enable or disable each toolbar. The available
toolbars are
Window main controls for the OmniTek application. It lets you open/close the
main operating windows, plus controls a few special purpose features.
Run transport controls to control sequence playout (only if the Motion/Capture
option is present)