As well as detecting errors, this dialogue provides access to a special mode of operation
for the vectorscope, the “luma qualified vectorscope”. By using this control, the only
pixels that are used to create the vectorscope are those whose luma lies within the range
specified for the luma error range checking. This implies it is not possible to use both
features at the same time.
However, you can use the luma qualified vectorscope to, for example, only display the
vectors for pixels that are nearly black, which can be very useful for colourists.
Engineering – Audio – Error Detection
OmniView’s audio peak and silence detection modes are configured here.
The levels for the peak and silence detector may each be adjusted. Both alarms are only
triggered after a set period of time has elapsed. This time interval may be entered in
seconds or in frames. These settings are stored as part of an overall system
configuration file, and are also saved when the application is closed.
Engineering – Audio – Generator
This page of settings is only present if the system also includes the OmniGen module,
and is described in the OmniGen user manual.