
Section 4-1
Select “Edit Screen”.
Select a file used for storing the screen data for the NT600S in the “File List”
To create a new file, select “New File”.
To edit an existing file, select a file to edit.
Select “New File” and press [Enter]. Enter filename on completion of creation.
Select “Screen Creation”.
Select a screen number to edit in the selected file in the “Screen List” screen.
To read the screen data from other file, press the [F5] (Read) function key.
When using host link/NT link/C200H direct communication, set the direct connec-
tion information before selecting the screen number.
While in the “Screen List” screen, press the [F10] (Next page) key, and then,
the [F4] (Direct) key to display the “Direct Connection Data Setting” window in
which the head words in the PC used to allocate the following areas.