Appendix I
Only the bit and numeral/character-string memory table data of elements current-
ly being used in the screen display is written to the PC. If the contents of a numer-
al/character-string memory table that is not being used for display change, the
new data is not written to the PC.
Event Processing (When Using Direct Connection)
When the status of the NT600S changes during operation, the processing for writing the changed data to the rele-
vant area of the PC memory is executed.
This kind of processing is only executed when statuses change. When changes occur simultaneously, the proces-
sings are executed in accordance with the order of priority.
[NT600S processing] [Details of processing]
Writing to character string memory tables
Writing to the PT status notify area
Changing the contents of words allocated to the PC
when the value in a numeral memory table has
Changing the contents of words allocated to the PC
when the value in a numeral memory table has
Writing to bits in order to inform the PC that a touch
switch has been pressed.
Writing to the PT status notify area in order to inform
the PC of changes in the PT operating status.
Bit writing
Writing to numeral memory tables
Order of priority
Data is only written to PC bits and numeral/character string memory tables for ele-
ments in screens currently being displayed. If the contents of numeral/character
string memory tables that are not being displayed change, the changed contents
are not written to the PC.