Section 5-2
Number of registration words
Set the number of words within 20 words required for registering the character-
string data. One word can store two half-size characters or one full-size charac-
Setting the words for the character-string memory tables
The character-string memory tables can be allocated to the following PC words.
Set the word type and the first word.
Symbol CSeriesPCs Allocated CVM1/CV Series PCs Allocated
DM Data memory
Data memory
CH Internal/Special Relay
Internal/Special Relay
TIM Timer Timer
CNT Counter Counter
HR Holding Relay
AR Auxiliary Relay
Auxiliary Relay
LR Link Relay
1. Since the special auxiliary relays of the CVM1/CV series PCs are allocated to
the system, they cannot be used for purposes other than the system use.
2. If the “number of registration words x 2” (“word setting window”) set with the
support tool is larger than the “number of character digits” (“character-string
display setting” window), the character-string may be broken halfway.
The range of respective area varies with the type of PC. Refer to Appendix L PC
Memory Map (page 291).
Writing Numerals to the Numeral Memory Table
Since numeral memory tables can be allocated to PC words, data can be written
from the PC to a numeral memory table, and initial values can be set whencreating
screen data.
The numeral display area where the
numeral memory table No. 2 is allocated
Def ect =
The bar graph display area where the
numeral memory table No. 4 is allocated
The contents are the same while they are displayed.
Canbe updated by the PC.
Numeral memory table
During the operation, the display contents are automatically updated so that the
contents of the numeral memory table being displayed are the same as that of the
PC word.