
Section 6-5
7-5 Key to Programs
The following programs include all the commands that can be used with the
7-5-1 Use of Programs
The sample program appears as follows on the screen.
Send command column
Menu bar Sub-menu
Parameter input column
Run confirm column
Receive command
display column
Use the program as shown below.
Interrupt display when
command received
Execute program
Select type of send
Select send command
Input parameter
Confirm send command
Execute transfer
End program
Main Menu
Input parameter column
Send command column,
confirm execution
Up, Down, Left, Right keys: select item
Enter key: confirm
[Esc]: stop
1. This sample program is written in N88BASIC (86) (NEC) for a PC-9801 com-
puter. Modify this program for use with any other computer language or
puter such as an IBM PC/AT or
2. The interval between parameter input and command transmission is a hold
interval for interrupt processing of the received command. If an interrupt is
permitted between the interval of parameter input and a command is re-
ceived, all subsequent receive interrupts are displaced. If this occurs, send an
enquiry command to read all the accumulated receive data.
3. When a parameter is input, no check is made that the parameter is in the per-
mitted range. Make sure that parameters are input within the permitted range.