Section 5-2
6-2-5 Upgrading Bar Graphs
(Changing the Contents of Allocated Words)
The following describes the procedure to upgrade the bar graph display on the
NT600S by changing the contents of the allocated words.
To change the bar graph display on the NT600S, change the contents of the PC
words to which the numeral memory tables have been allocated.
Available allocation words
The numeral memory tables can be allocated to the following PC areas:
Symbol CSeriesPCs Allocation CV Series PCs Allocation
DM Data Memory
Data Memory
CH Internal/Special Relay
Internal/Special Relay
TIM Timer Timer
CNT Counter Counter
HR Holding Relay
AR Auxiliary Relay
Auxiliary Relay
LR Link Relay
: 1 word only :NG
Since the special auxiliary relays of the CVM1/CV series PCs are allocated to the
system, they cannot be used for purposes other than the system use.
The range of respective area varies with the type of PC. Refer to Appendix L PC
Memory Map (page 291).
The bar graph display cannot use hexadecimal numbers. If hexadecimal num-
bers are set, the bar graph will not be displayed.
By writing a negative number (whose most significant digit is “F”) to the allo-
cated word of a graph set as “Sign display “No””, the graph display will become 0
% and the % display will show “ %”.
For the procedure to write numeral values to the allocated words of the numeral
memory tables, refer to “Allocation Words and Display of the Memory Tables”
(page 167).
For the procedure to change the contents of the numeral memory table (PC
words), refer to “Changing Displayed Numerals or Character Strings (Changing
the Contents of Allocated Words)” (page 170, 172).