Using Host Link/NT Link/C200H Direct
This section describes how the NT600S can be used when using the Host link/NT link/C200H direct.
6-1 Outline of Host Link / NT Link / C200H Direct Operation 154..........................
6-1-1 Equipment and Settings Used in This Chapter 154.............................
6-1-2 Allocatable Bits and Words 154.............................................
6-1-3 NT600S Status Control and Notification to PC 155.............................
6-1-4 Switching the Screen Display 160...........................................
6-1-5 Notifying the Display Screen to the PC
(To Display the Number of Currently Displayed Screen) 162.....................
6-2 Memory Tables and Bar Graph 164................................................
6-2-1 Allocation Words and Display of the Memory Tables 167........................
6-2-2 Changing Displayed Numerals or Character Strings
(Changing the Contents of Allocated Words ..... Direct Specification) 170.........
6-2-3 Changing Displayed Numerals or Character-Strings
(Changing the Contents of Allocated Words ..... Indirect Specification) 172........
6-2-4 Copying the Memory Table 175..............................................
6-2-5 Upgrading Bar Graphs
(Changing the Contents of Allocated Words) 179..............................
6-3 Lamps, Touch Switches, and Numeral Setting 180...................................
6-3-1 Allocation Bits and Display of Lamps 180.....................................
6-3-2 Turning ON (lit) and OFF (unlit) the Lamps
(Changing the Contents of Allocated Bits) 181.................................
6-3-3 Allocated Bits, and Display, of Touch Switches 183.............................
6-3-4 Lit (Flashing) and Unlit Touch Switch Statuses
(Changing the Status of Allocated Bits) 185...................................
6-3-5 Notifying the PC that a Switch has been Pressed
(Determining Touch Switch Status) 185.......................................
6-3-6 Notification of Numbers to the PC 189........................................
6-4 NT600S Status Control 192......................................................
6-4-1 Controllable NT600S Functions 192..........................................
6-4-2 How to Control NT600S Functions 195.......................................
6-5 Notification of the Operating Status to the PC
(Determining the NT600S Operating Status) 197....................................
6-5-1 Ascertainable NT600S Statuses (Notified Operating Statuses) 197...............
6-5-2 Reading the NT600S Operating Statuses 198.................................