
Precautions when using the through function
The system should be set up so that the Timeout period in the FP series software (FPWIN) (A) is larger
than the waiting time for communication retries of the GT COM port (B), meaningn (A) > (B). If the
system is set up so that A = B or A < B, the through function will not work properly.
When the baud rate of the GT TOOL port is 230400 bps, the through function cannot be used.
Communicate at 115200 bps or lower for using the throught function.
For the USB port type, the OS installed in the connected computer must be Windows2000 or later.
Restrictions on COM port connections
When connecting the GT01 to the COM port of a PLC, a separate external supply must be provided.
When using the FP programmer II
An FP Programmer II cannot be connected to the tool port of the GT01. It can be connected to the
GT11 and GT21. The GT32 cannot be connected to the FP programmer II as it is connected with USB
or Ethernet.
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