1. Network Management Specification
36 June 2003 8000-A2-GB30-00
5.3 Paradyne ReachDSL MIB (pdn_reachDSL.mib)
This Paradyne enterprise MIB provides objects for configuration of objects specific to
ReachDSL devices as well as for Spectrum Management objects specific to ReachDSL
products. The various objects supported are shown in the following table.
The ATU-C and ATU-R Tx Rates configurable for a specific Spectrum Zone and EWL are
dependent on the spectrum management guidelines for that specific zone and can be
obtained from the ReachDSL Core specifications as well as from the System Requirements
5.4 DS1 MIB (RFC 2495)
5.5 Paradyne DS1-EXT MIB (PDN-DS1EXT-MIB).
This Paradyne MIB is an extension to the standard DS1 MIB (RFC 2495). This MIB
provides additional DS1 and G.703 (E1) configuration objects not provided by RFC 2495.
Table 1-30. ReachDSL MIB
Table Comments
reachDSLSpectrumMgmtSelection Supported as is
reachDSLSpectrumMgmtConfEntry Supported as is
reachDSLSpectrumMgmtLoopMeasurementMethod Supported as is
reachDSLSpectrumMgmtEWLUnits Supported as is
reachDSLSpectrumMgmtMode Supported as is
reachDSLSpectrumMgmtLineInfoEntry Supported as is
reachDSLLineEntry Supported except for
Table 1-31. DS1 MIB
Table Comments
dsx1ConfigEntry Supported as is
dsx1CurrentEntry Supported as is
dsx1IntervalEntry Supported as is
dsx1TotalEntry Supported as is
dsx1ChanMappingEntry Supported as is
dsx1FarEndCurrentEntry Supported as is
dsx1FarEndIntervalEntry Supported as is
dsx1FarEndTotalEntry Supported as is