1. Network Management Specification
48 June 2003 8000-A2-GB30-00
6.2.2 Virtual Channel Cross Connect Group (RFC 2515)
This table contains configuration and state information of point-to-point,
point-to-multipoint or multipoint-to-multipoint VC cross-connects for PVCs. This table has
read-create access and is used to cross-connect the VCLs together in an ATM switch or
network that belong to a VC connection. The atmVcCrossConnectIndex is used to associate
the related VCLs that are cross-connected together. The model using step-wise procedures
described for setting up a VP cross-connect is also used for setting up a VC cross-connect.
The ATM Virtual Channel (VC) Cross Connect Table, atmVcCrossConnectEntry table
contains the following objects:
6.2.3 “atmVcCrossConnectL2HOperStatus” Object (atmVcCrossConnectEntry 9)
The value of this object identifies the current operational status of the VC cross-connect in
one direction; (that is, from the low to high direction). The up and down states indicate that
this ATM VC cross-connect from low to high direction is operational or not operational
respectively. The unknown state indicates that the state of it cannot be determined. The only
valid values for this object are:
• unknown (3) (NOT_SUPPORTED)
6.2.4 “atmVcCrossConnectH2LOperStatus” Object (atmVcCrossConnectEntry
The value of this object identifies the current operational status of the VC cross-connect in
one direction; (that is, from the high to low direction). The up and down states indicate that
this ATM VC cross-connect from high to low direction is operational or not operational
respectively. The unknown state indicates that the state of it cannot be determined. The only
valid values for this object are:
• unknown (3) (NOT_SUPPORTED)
6.2.5 “atmVcCrossConnectL2HLastChange” Object (atmVcCrossConnectEntry
The value of MIB II’s sysUpTime object at the time this VC cross-connect entered its
current operational state in low to high direction. If the current state was entered prior to the
last re-initialization of the agent, then this object contains a zero value.
6.2.6 “atmVcCrossConnectH2LLastChange” Object (atmVcCrossConnectEntry
The value of MIB II’s sysUpTime object at the time this VC cross-connect entered its
current operational state in low to high direction. If the current state was entered prior to the
last re-initialization of the agent, then this object contains a zero value.
6.2.7 “atmVcCrossConnectRowStatus” Object (atmVcCrossConnectEntry 13)
The status of this entry in the atmVcCrossConnectTable. This object is used to create a new
cross-connect row for cross-connecting VCLs which are created using the atmVclTable or
to change or delete existing cross-connect. This object must be initially set to
‘createAndWait’ or ’createAndGo’. This object cannot be set to ‘active’ unless the following
columnar object exists in this row: atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus. To turn on a VC
cross-connect, the atmVcCrossConnectAdminStatus is set to ‘up’. The only valid values for
this object are: