1. Network Management Specification
8000-A2-GB30-00 June 2003
get (atmfM4TestId, atmfM4TestStatus)
* Is not being used right now -- let’s compete
* to see who gets it.
lock_value = atmfM4TestId
if ( set(atmfM4TestId = lock_value, atmfM4TestStatus = inUse,
atmfM4TestOwner = ’my-IP-address’) == FAILURE)
* Another manager got the atmfM4TestEntry -- go
* try again
goto try_again;
* I have the lock
set up any test parameters.
* This starts the test
set(atmfM4TestType = test_to_run);
set(atmfM4TestCode = pdnATMfM4VcLoopbackTestTable);
when test is stopped by this NMS station, agent sets atmfM4TestResult
agent also sets atmfM4TestStatus = ’notInUse’
retrieve any additional test results, and atmfM4TestId
if (atmfM4TestId == lock_value+1) results are valid
Once ownership is obtained, an NMS could initiate a test by setting atmfM4VcTestType to
pdnATMfM4VcTestOAMLoopbackSegMultiCell to which a loopback location code that
uniquely identifies an intermediate point responsible for looping back the cell is appended
for ATM OAM F5 Segment loopback test, or
pdnATMfM4VcTestOAMLoopbackE2EMultiCell for ATM OAM F5 End to End loopback
test. If the loopback location code is absent from the
pdnATMfM4VcTestOAMLoopbackSegMultiCell, the loopback is performed at the end of
the segment or connection. The Ubiquity ATM unit supports next-hop segment ATM
loopback, which means that the Ubiquity ATM unit ignores the loopback location code if
the NMS application provides one.
Once a test is started, the SNMP agent will set the value of atmfM4VcTestCode to (pdnATMfM4VcLoopbackTestTable) indicating the test
statistics are in pdnATMfM4VcLoopbackTestTable. The NMS can retrieve the test results
by querying the objects in this table.
The NMS station, the owner of the ongoing OAM F5 loopback test, must explicitly stop this
loopback test by setting atmfM4VcTestType to NoTest (0.0) when the NMS no longer needs
this test The test result might be available depending upon whether there is enough room in
the system.
At any time, an NMS station can set atmfM4VcTestType to “0.0” to abort the ongoing test
owned by this NMS.