1. Network Management Specification
84 June 2003 8000-A2-GB30-00
disable(1) - Tests will not be terminated based on a timer and
enable(2) - Tests will be terminated after the duration specified by devConfigTestDuration.
This object specifies whether tests are to be terminated after a defined duration. If the value
is enable(2), the duration is defined by devConfigTestDuration.
8.2.2 devConfigTestDuration
This object specifies the duration (in seconds) that a test will be allowed to run before it is
automatically terminated. The range of possible values are 0-7200 seconds with increament
of 60 Sec. The default value is 600 Seconds (10 Minutes). Tests will only be terminated if
devConfigTestTimeout is set to enable.
8.3 Paradyne Time Mib (pdn_time.mib)
The following objects are supported for GranDSLAM 3.0.
8.3.1 devDateAndTime (RW):
This objects displays the date and time on the entity. It allows an NMS to set the date and
time in the appropriate timezone.
8.3.2 devNTPServerIP (RW):
This Objects allows an NMS to configure theNTP server IP address.
8.3.3 devNTPMode (RW):
This object allows an NMS to configure the mode in which NTP/SNTP will operate. In
unicast(1) mode, NTP/SNTP polls the server specified via the devNTPServerIP object. In
broadcast(2) mode, NTP/SNTP polls by broadcasting a request so that any NTP/SNTP
server could respond. Alternatively, in broadcast(2) mode, the client only listens for
messages broadcasted by any server. In multicast(3) mode, the client listens for messages
from any server sent to the multicast group defined for NTP/SNTP ( Default
value is multicast(3).
8.3.4 devNTPSynchronised (RW):
This object allows an NMS to configure the poll interval (hours) for the NTP/SNTP client
to use to send requests to an NTP/SNTP server to synchronize the local clock for the device.
Default value is 1 hour.
Table 1-92. pdn_time.mib
Object Type Access Supported
devDateAndTime DateAndTime read-write Yes
devNTPServerIP IpAddress read-write Yes
devNTPMode NTPMode read-write Yes
devNTPSynchronised INTEGER read-write Yes
devNTPEnable INTEGER read-write Yes
devNTPOffsetFromUTC INTEGER read-write Yes